Tuesday, August 30, 2005

My Menopause Blog: Peri-Menopause Float

Photo Credit: Anne T. Nuke

This is My Menopause and I enjoying a early evening wine tasting and gentle float on Cinder Lake. We had the entire lake to ourselves. Anne, the photographer, was also travelling with her menopause. We got along real good.

Sue Richards

Monday, August 29, 2005

My Menopause Blog: Camping

My Menopause and I have finally returned from weeks of wilderness canoeing on pristine lakes in Ontario. This was our first vacation together AND our first time camping with each other.

I must say, after year's of tenting with My Period, I found the tidy, no muss, no fuss nature of My Menopause to be very easy to get along with. A very good little camper, indeed.

Still, I packed for My Period, just in case it showed up late one night, moody and soaking, ready to twist my brain into a throbbing knot. But my supplies remained at the bottom of my dry bag and my extra strength pain killers untouched.

Sue Richards