Thursday, November 10, 2005

My Menopause Blog: Estrogen Level - 2

So after writing yesterday's post I said to myself, "Sue, have you noticed a lot of toothless, wrinkled, sex mad women out there wearing diapers"? "Does my estrogen dip stick say ADD A QUART or is this part of my conditioning as a peri-menopausal woman in a pharmaceutical driven society."

Granny didn't think she had a problem with estrogen because she didn't. She wasn't loosing estrogen like the hankies and tissue that trailed after her. Her body was no longer producing as much.

Famous female celebrities will tell you that menopause can be cured by replacing lost estrogen. Open any women's magazine and I'm certain you will quickly find an endorsement.

What the 'stars' don't tell you is that they are being paid hugh sums of money to recommend the 'curing' product.

And really, who has more power to influence the average woman, than a beautiful, female star? It's no wonder that 'cure' making companies are hiring them on as marketing mavens.

But wait my friends. There's a fly in the ointment here. Menopause is not a disease. It is a stage in the natural aging process. And like it or not, humans have a life span. An expiry date. Best before. Production shuts down. Body parts wear out.

Best to make hay while the sun shines.

Menopause is BIG, BIG business. The more the business people who profit from menopause can convince you that your estrogen levels need to be topped up, with a little help from their various medicines, the more money they make. And make. And make.

And no, they are not thinking about your well being. Most business operates on a single bottom line. Profit. Profit comes before people. Always has. Always will.

The day businesses across the board, start looking at a triple bottom line; profit plus social and environment factors, then we can spend less time looking over our shoulders.

Here's the gist. Menopause is not a hormone deficiency disease. There are natural remedies to help ease the way. There's nothing wrong with getting older.

Your body is very smart. We just have to listen.

Sue Richards

Other pity comments on women's health can be found on my Calendar Girl Blog.


Blogger Rita Roy said...

Hi, I noticed a very good article on menopause, symptoms due to it and the wat to overcome using HRT therapy. Hope it is useful.

10/07/2008 02:34:00 PM  
Blogger Rita Roy said...

Hi, I noticed a very good article on menopause, symptoms due to it and the way to overcome using HRT therapy. Hope it is useful.

10/07/2008 02:34:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thankc for good link.... Keep it up

3/02/2009 02:04:00 AM  

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