Sunday, October 16, 2005

My Menopause Blog: Menopositive in Mainstream

Once again, I'm ahead of the curve.

This story made it into our National Newspaper's Saturday edition which I've just finished reading.

Yes I know it's Sunday. But a menopause story isn't the type to get stale now is it?!

The notion of 'sexy older woman' seems to be the crux of the piece. Which turned out to be perfect timing given my experience at the B-Day party last night.

I have no problem seeing and commenting on the beauty of the women in my circle. This particular party featured a plethora of thirty-something to fifty ish gals decked out and dancing in a whirl of sex-o-let energy.

Given my melancholy mood, I held back and watched for a time, sipping my vodka and tonic. But slowly, like any good vibe worth it's weight, I found a new mindset wrapping me in a funky rhythm and I joined the flock.

Sexy older women don't rock.

They ooze.

Sue Richards


Blogger Lisa said...

Sue, good article. Sexy older women DO indeed rock. I feel sexier and more confident now than I did in my 20s. Perhaps I am just But I am much more intelligent and secure about who I am than I was when I was younger. I think it's all a state of mind. What I could do with out is the mood swings that menopause has left me with.


10/16/2005 05:46:00 PM  
Blogger Sue Richards said...

Hi RB,

I think we mean the same thing...the younger women were having fun..but they were constantly looking around, fidgeting with themselves and generally looking unsure.

The older women simply were. All oozy, sexy, confidence. Comfortable in their skin.

Both age sets were rocking. But the quality of the groove was quite different.


10/17/2005 08:31:00 AM  
Blogger Michael said...

Ah, there's the C(rone) word again. This is very progressive, 40 years ago you could not say 'breast',or even 'breast-feeding' (nursing), now we can talk about menopause, women do not need to feel alone any more. What's more it is menopause as a positive step along life's highway. Flinging caution (contraception) to the winds has to count for something.

10/21/2005 10:31:00 PM  

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